Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day Madness

I feel like I've been letting this poor thing fall by the wayside! 

Mother's Day has come and gone, and it was definitely one of the most well-orchestrated yet. Who knew that getting married made the simplest things so complicated to plan out? Brad's sister and brother-in-law came down to spend Mother's Day weekend here, since they hadn't been able to come down from Dallas in months. This meant that Mother's Day festivities with his mom were going to need to happen on Saturday, instead of Sunday, since they would need to be heading back pretty early in the day on Sunday. Hallelujah.

It was so nice not having to figure out both moms on one day....Lord know my mom demands a ridiculous amount of attention from me on days like this! Saturday, we had lunch with his parents, his sister and her husband. For her Mother's Day gift, his sister and I had been on a covert mission over the last month secretly working on a photo book. I had to sneak into their house and snatch pictures of the kids from the day they were born, til now, then Lauren worked on designing the book and getting it all put together.

So, all along I figured his mom would get super sentimental and most likely tear up a bit, but none of us expected her to start full on crying! She cried so much, it made me tear up! Nonetheless, it was absolutely sweet, Lauren did an amazing job putting it together, and his mom was so appreciative.

[Brad with his mom and sister after a great lunch at Fajitaville!]

 [Brad's "Then & Now" section of the book. Look at cute little baby Brad!]

 [One of my favorite parts - "10 Reasons Why You're So Loved"]

On Sunday, since Brad had to work, I drove my happy little self to Alice to spend the day with my mom. We did a whole lot of nothing...and loved every minute of it.We started the day at Agua Dulce Baptist Church, where Pastor Chris shared a perfect Mother's Day video...they even had snacks!  After church, we had lunch at Nortex Bakery and it was SO good. I hadn't eaten there in years; it definitely gave me nostalgia! After about a 3 hour nap we went to the Alice movie theater and watched Dark Shadows, which was not at all what I thought it was going to be. After the movie, we went on a mini-shopping trip, then I came home to get to bed for work the next morning.

After such an eventful weekend I was completely w-o-r-n o-u-t! I can't forget that this was also my first Mother's Day weekend also, well, technically ;) 

 [After lunch on Saturday, I came home to this beautiful little surprise from Brad <3]

[Brad's mom wasted no time in beginning to spoil her soon-to-come grandbaby.]
[She's also decided that her nickname will be "Cupcake".]

[Aunt Lauren isn't wasting any time either!]

[My mom went totally summer crazy with all these little suits! Also loving the Scentsy monkey!]

Brad and I have begun taking part in the spoiling also! We've been going baby-crazy with our shopping over the last week. I've actually found a couple of really good deals too. It's just so hard to not buy EVERYTHING WE SEE!

 [We had our eyes on this turtle for months. It's the first thing that made us really hope for a girl.]
[How adorable is that gaudy little bib? Can you believe I got it for $3.51?!?!]

 [Keeping with the monkey theme.]

 [Cute little crawlers in perfect fall colors! (That's brown, not black)]

 [Keeping with the cupcake theme!]

 [I am OBSESSED with these little sock shoe/headband sets from Dillard's!
I am bound and determined to get every color. Plus, for $5.99 per set, you can't beat it!]

 [We stumbled across this cute little sleeper at Kohl's on sale for $3.23!]

I still can't get over how much of a whirlwind this whole journey has been and now that we're more than halfway through it is even more crazy. I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that we will have a baby shortly after summer! Ah!

Oh, by the way, did I mention we're having a girl?!?! 

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